Monday, November 19, 2007

As you were reading this article what aspects of the design of a store did you realize actually effect your shopping habits?

Robert: I believe that sales people do have a large impact on if a company will be successful or not but that they have a different effect. The setup is very important to pull customers in. Its a necessary aspect to pay close attention to for a store owner because if you can't pull customers in then your salesmen don't matter. But on the other hand good salesman are very important to keeping customers in the store as well. Both aspects are important for different reasons.

Laura: I don't believe that mapping has a huge impact on shoppers but it can be used in manipulative was. If a consumer knows what they want then you will try and find it. They'll ask some employee and find a way to get that product. But store owners can be manipulative and place certain products next to other complimentary products and try to trick people into buying other things.

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